Files & Formats

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Revision as of 15:47, 10 October 2013 by Giulio.ruffini (talk | contribs)
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- The ".easy" data format
- The ".info" file
- The ".edf" (EFF+) and ".nedf" data formats
- The ".stim" file
- SD card data

EEG data files

The .easy data format

       NE ASCII files contain one line per time sample. Each line contains
       first the EEG data (8 or 20 channels, depending on the device, with
       units in nV), followed by  three acceleration channels (aX,aY,aZ 
       in mm/s^2- millimeters per second squared), an *optional* external 
       input channel, a trigger flag (int32) and, finally, 
       a timestamp in Unix time (ms from Jan 1 1970):

 Ch1(nV) ... Ch8or20(nV) aX(mg) aY(mg) aZ(mg) AddSensor Flags(uint32) TimeStamp (ms)
 Therefore Enobio8/StarStim will have a minimum of 8+2 (10) columns, or 8+3=11 if no 
   accelerometer or >= 8+4 (with accelerometer). In summary:

        10 Columns: no AddSensor, no accelerometer data:
        11 Comumns: no accelerometer, but there is AddSensor
        13 Columns: there is accelerometer, but no Addsensor
        14 Comumns: there is accelerometer, AddSensor.

   Enobio 20 will have >= 22 and >=24 columns if acc. data present:
        22 Columns: no AddSensor, no accelerometer
        23 Comumns: no accelerometer, but there is AddSensor
        25 Columns: there is accelerometer, no AddSensor 
        26 Comumns: there is accelerometer, AddSensor.

   Enobio 32 will have >=34 adn >=36 if acc data is present
        34 Columns: no AddSensor, no accelerometer
        35 Comumns: no accelerometer, but there is AddSensor
        37 Columns: there is accelerometer, no AddSensor 
        38 Comumns: there is accelerometer, AddSensor.